How To Enjoy Maple Candy

Maple candy is often poured into molds before it sets, a process that allows the candy to take on beautiful shapes. Maple leaves are common shapes, but you can find maple candy in other shapes as well. Maple candy is made without artificial flavoring or sweeteners. All it contains is pure maple syrup, which makes it a flavorful and all-natural dessert. Here are a few ways to enjoy maple candy:

1. Use it to sweeten your coffee or tea.

Maple sugar candy can be used to sweeten your favorite hot drink. Since maple candy is made from maple syrup, it dissolves readily on the tongue. It can also dissolve when added to hot coffee or tea. Switch your usual spoonful of sugar with a piece of maple sugar candy for a delightful morning treat.

2. Replace your usual dessert with a piece of maple candy.

Maple candy is sold in small, bite-sized pieces, which makes it easy to control your portions. Maple sugar candy can be used as part of a weight-loss regimen. If you usually eat dessert each day, you can lose weight by replacing your usual dessert with a small piece of maple candy. Maple candy is very sweet since it contains concentrated, natural maple flavor. A single piece of maple candy can satisfy your sweet tooth without adding an excess of calories to your daily intake.

3. Carry it for a quick burst of energy.

The human body uses food for energy. Some forms of food are more readily converted into energy than others, including simple carbohydrates like sugar. Maple sugar candy is easily digested, which makes it the perfect candidate for a quick pick-me-up. Bring a few pieces of maple candy with you when you go on a hike and eat them when you feel your energy growing low. You'll be able to enjoy the taste of maple candy while replenishing your energy stores for the rest of your journey.

4. Add it to other confections.

Maple candy can be used as a premium baking ingredient. Cake decorating is an art form enjoyed by professionals and home bakers alike. Maple candies can be used to garnish cakes and add a delightful flavor. You can add maple candies to plain yellow cakes or maple-flavored cakes. To use maple sugar candy in your cake recipe, simply make your cake as usual. Frost the cake using maple-flavored buttercream icing, then decorate the icing with artfully placed pieces of pure maple sugar candy.
